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Hello Early Risers, it’s Liza, the Owner of The Wandering Path. This morning I was going to talk about making sure when you need it..to ask for help but instead I wanted to share an article link with you and one of the graphics that shows you that Kindness and Consideration does still exist.

These acts of Kindness (ty Viral Nova), especially those that directly help someone…are just fantastic. I know I would appreciate it if someone told me some of those things…or like when my tail-light is burnt out, the air in my tires is getting low…I know if I see something “off” about someone’s’ ride, if I can catch ‘em, I try to tell ‘em…save them from having an accident, a ticket, or just a bad start or end to a day. See the link above for 13 more acts..I’ve attached one of them below…one of my favorites. 

Follow your path, if you can help someone with a “forewarn” or “hey you dropped this”…do it…put yourself in their shoes…I’m sure you would appreciate it.

-With a Raised Coffee Mug, BB, Liza M.
